complex surgeries completed



Mozambique Burn Mission

Our team of dedicated surgeons, pediatric anesthesiologists, physicians, physician assistant, nurses, and volunteers worked tirelessly to accomplish 30 complex, life-changing surgeries in one week. The mission included members from ReSurge International, Drs. Dorothy Gaal and Ron Gemberling, and Dr. Tobi Yerokun with the Children’s Burn Foundation.

Patient Spotlight

Meet Aleandro

A 4 year old boy from Matola province. Aleandro suffered serious burns when a pot of boiling water spilled on him when he was playing inside the house. Due to the shortage of qualified burn surgeons, he waited a week to receive surgery. After surgery, Aleandro was all smiles and back to his cheerful self.

Our Work

Ohana operated at two hospitals simultaneously – Maputo Central Hospital and Matola Provincial Hospital – to maximize our time in country. Surgeries performed included release of burn contracture of the feet, knees, elbows, and wrists, in addition to cleft palate reconstructions.

Because teaching is at the core of our mission statement, our team worked alongside Mozambican surgeons, nurses, and specialists to help provide quality care – by the end of the trip, local providers were able to perform most of the procedures themselves. Additionally , we started a research project using Mepilex/Mepitel dressings for burns and donor sites that the local nursing staff will continue after our departure. We plan to publish our findings and results in scholarly journals.


The mission included members from ReSurge International, Drs. Dorothy Gaal and Ron Gemberling, and Dr. Tobi Yerokun with the Children’s Burn Foundation.

Thank you to Kelly Fogel Photography and Toyota of Mozambique for their mission sponsorship.

Continued Support

To advocate for global surgical care, Dr. Kulber and Dr. Dee met with members of the Ministry of Health to promote prioritization and allocation of surgical care resources in Mozambique. Additionally, cooperation with regional government and Mozambique’s Ministry of Health led to a program in which in-country medical students would spend two years under the tutelage of American doctors before returning to help their homeland. We are ecstatic to have the support of the Ministry of Health and look forward to many more successful missions.

We have returned to Mozambique in 2022 and 2023.

There is so much that could be done by the right pathway for people like yourselves to help countries like Mozambique. I am working on a plan to facilitate such help.

Prime Minister Tony Blair

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