About Ohana One
Ohana One cultivates surgical training programs in developing areas around the world and we do so in collaboration with like-minded organizations.
Our work is not limited to surgical outreach trips, but to establishing long-term sustainable surgical training programs utilizing mentorship relationships and advanced technology.
Mission & Vision
Transforming lives through surgical care.
Ohana One’s mission is to establish long-term sustainable surgical training programs utilizing mentorship relationships and advanced technology to elevate and expand safe surgical care in resource-scarce locations.
Our vision for the future is a world where every surgeon has equitable access to advanced surgical training, mentorship, innovative technology, well-being programs, and educational resources.



Increase engagement to create a global community of surgeons, leverage assets to build the community.
Ten Thousand Mile Bridge: Closing the Surgical Gap in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Ohana One documentary is more than just a film; it is a call to action. The filmmakers behind this powerful project wanted to bring attention to a critical problem while showcasing the solution. Their mission was clear – to raise awareness, engage the audience, and expose them to the healthcare crisis unfolding in Mozambique.

In 2022, Ohana One was joined by a team of documentary filmmakers, including Ohana One Board Members, director Jay Roach, cinematographer Bill Pope, and documentarian Sharon Oreck during a surgical outreach trip to Mozambique.
It was our first expedition since the COVID-19 pandemic imposed travel restrictions. For three years prior, the Surgical Sight Smart Glass Program has enabled Ohana One mentors to maintain contact with local mentee surgeons in Mozambique, providing ongoing training. This trip was the first time they were able to work in person again safely.
Operating Together for a Better World
We are honored to collaborate with dedicated and like-minded organizations that help us establish long-term sustainable surgical training programs in communities that need it most around the world.
Corporate Partnerships

Connecting Surgeons with Robust Remote Software
With an intuitive interface, easy-to-use functionality, and secure connectivity, remote medical and technical assistance is made easy. There are a wide range of products including: GlassVU, RemoteVU, ScreenVu, CamVU, DeviceVU and FlowVU.

Remote Visual Guidance for Field Service
Help Lightning is the only AR-enabled remote assistance software available with merged reality. This patented “hands-in” technology offers a unique way to improve communications.

AR Solutions for the Connected Workforce
To allow for distance observation of live medical procedures (surgeries, rounding, examinations, etc) so lesser skilled professionals can learn and benefit from more experienced ones of the same medical specialty.
NGO Partnerships
We are honored to collaborate with dedicated and like-minded organizations that help us establish long-term sustainable surgical training programs in communities that need it most around the world. Click on each partner to read more about their mission.
Funding Partners

Photo Gallery
Our Ohana at Work
Ohana One surgeons, team members, and volunteers exemplify dedicated humanitarianism, providing crucial surgical care to underserved communities, often transforming lives and contributing to the broader mission of global health outreach.
Photo Credit: Kelly Fogel

Laser Focused On A Real Solution
We aim to prove that utilizing cutting-edge remote broadcasting technology coupled with mentor/mentee relationships can drastically improve surgical training in developing countries – resulting in more surgeons trained, and in turn, more patients treated.
Ohana Team
Each of our members have unique skills and passion for advancing surgical care in developing countries and working together and with others to advance training and bring mentors and mentees closer than ever.
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Our Mission
To promote the development of clinical neurology and neurological science.

Our Mission
Start with care. Then do more. AMPATH improves the health of people in underserved communities by working in partnership with academic health centers, ministries of health and others to build public sector health systems and promote well-being.

Our Mission
Child-Help wants to improve the quality of life of children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus in developing countries by timely detection and providing lifelong care, so they can grow up to become full citizens. To achieve this we work with local partners in the South and build on existing possibilities and initiatives from parents and local care givers.

Our Mission
The mission of the College of Surgeons is to promote excellence in Surgical Care, Training and Research

Our Mission
We Travel The World Teaching Surgeons The Best Practices For Patients With Specialized Colorectal Needs.

Our Mission
Our mission, “to heal the sick and proclaim the kingdom of God,” originates from Luke 9:2 and invites God’s people to respond in love and compassion for the world’s most vulnerable, providing life-changing surgeries and the redemptive love of Jesus.

Our Mission
The EAU represents the leading authority within Europe on urological practice, research, and education. Over 19,000 medical professionals have joined its ranks and contributed to our mission: To raise the level of urological care throughout Europe and beyond.

Our Mission
FAME is an organization entirely focused on advancing quality medical care in rural Tanzania. From the beginning, we set out to provide communities in the Northern Highlands of Tanzania with a unique healthcare experience – one marked by patient-centered care and high-quality service.

Our Mission
Our mission is to improve care of individuals with neurological disease throughout the world by support of education in neurosurgery, particularly via partnerships between established and emerging neurosurgical programs.

Our Mission
Fresh Start Surgical Gifts provides comprehensive medical care for disadvantaged, uninsured, and under-insured children suffering from physical deformities and other conditions caused by birth defects, accidents, disease, or abuse through the gift of a Fresh Start.

Our Mission
The G4 Alliance is committed to achieving universal access to safe surgical, obstetric, trauma, and anaesthesia care for all. In order achieve this ambitious goal, we must set interim targets to coordinate efforts and build greater awareness.

Our Mission
The Foundation’s main task is to help address the problems associated with cleft lip and palate in Ghana.

Our Mission
To improve health outcomes and equity among children and adolescents globally through transdisciplinary research and innovation, bidirectional education and training, sustainable capacity building partnerships, and advocacy for health policy transformation.

Our Mission
We believe in a world where every child has access to safe, quality, timely and affordable surgical, anaesthetic and nursing care.

Our Mission
We believe in a world where every child has access to safe, quality, timely and affordable surgical, anaesthetic and nursing care.

Our Mission
Providing pro bono care to children around the world for whom specialized medical and surgical care is not available.

Our Mission
When hit with a sudden humanitarian emergency, local communities can be abruptly cut off from basic healthcare. People find themselves disconnected from healthcare professionals, medical institutions, doctors, and other life-saving services, while at the same time hospitals and clinics face a sudden influx of patients with highly specific and urgent needs.
Health Tech Without Borders is a global non-profit organization aiming to mitigate such healthcare crises by leveraging digital tools and technology to provide immediate access to health resources.

Our Mission
Incision Uganda is a local branch of Incision global that represents over 5000 students, trainees, and early career physicians around the world, who are passionate about Global Surgery. We work towards the common goal of access to safe, timely, and affordable surgical healthcare for all. Our work rests on three pillars Advocacy, Education, and Research

Our Mission
ICChange is a not-for-profit committed to improving the quality of life and security of vulnerable populations worldwide. We develop and then implement scalable and sustainable solutions to tackle some of the world’s toughest problems.

Our Mission
Become a reference institution in Sub-Saharan Africa in training, research, and comprehensive care services. IFRU/SF has assigned itself missions that revolve around:
- a substantial increase in the supply of care in terms of quality and quantity;
- promoting and encouraging research and training in all areas of urology and family health;
- and better management of the patient and the disease.

Our Mission
InterSurgeon is committed to fostering collaborative partnerships in the field of Global Surgery that will advance clinical care, teaching, training, research and the provision and maintenance of medical equipment. Our dynamic virtual mapping platform allows stakeholders to interact within the global surgical ecosystem: providing insights into existing activities, gaps in services, and partnerships opportunities, while facilitating immediate connectivity and concrete action. We believe that long term partnerships are critical to increasing access to safe, timely and affordable surgical, obstetric, trauma and anaesthetic care which we regard as an essential component of healthcare for all.

Our Mission
IVU is committed to making quality urological care available worldwide. In fulfilling this mission, IVU provides medical and surgical education to physicians and nurses and treatment to thousands of children and adults.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to improve medical services for children in developing countries. We aim to advance healthcare by education, demonstration and skill transfer to local healthcare professionals.

Our Mission
LEAP is dedicated to enhancing and enriching the lives of people around the world by providing free specialized medical and surgical services inspired by the love of Christ.

Our Mission
Transforming patients’ experience through donating modern medical equipment ensuring less invasive surgery and faster recovery.

Our Mission
Mending Kids gives sick children life-saving surgical care while advancing education and training towards medical self-sufficiency in their communities.

Our Mission
NeuroKids aims is to: get children interested in the brain and engaged in neuropsychological research (in particular neuroimaging) – teach children about the brain and stimulating their interest in neuroscience – raise awareness in children about neurodiversity to promote inclusion and understanding and build

Our Mission
Our mission is to promote the advancement of neurosurgical care in underserved communities worldwide through service, education, and support.

Our Mission
PAACS’ mission is to glorify God by training and discipling African surgeons and related specialists to become Christ-like leaders and servants providing excellent and compassionate care to those most in need.

Our Mission
PASS is a flexible strategic consultancy partnering with a variety of stakeholders around the world to achieve shared global goals.

Our Mission
Pathways to Hope Africa is working to equip marginalized communities in Africa to break cycles of chronic poverty.

Our Mission
To build a society with healthy individuals. We strongly advocate the fact that every individual has a right to healthcare and therefore strive to provide a better and affordable health care services to people in both urban as well as rural areas of Nepal.

Our Mission
Our mission at ReSurge is to train, fund, and scale reconstructive surgical teams in low-income countries to provide life-changing care to patients with the greatest need.

Our Mission
Our mission is to be an innovative and reliable provider of the full spectrum of high-quality primary care, pediatric care, urgent care and holistic wellness education and service – and to make these services and supplies affordable or free for many Nicaraguan communities.

Our Mission
The Ruth Paz Foundation is a non-profit organization devoted to providing medical services to low-income children. Their objective is to improve children’s life expectancy and quality of life through an efficient and timely medical service, with a staff thoroughly trained and committed to Honduran development.

Our Mission
The mission of Shriners Hospitals for Children (SHC) is to provide compassionate, innovative care that improves the quality of life for children and their families.

Our Mission
SIGN gives the injured poor access to fracture surgery by donating orthopaedic education and implant systems to surgeons in developing countries.

Our Mission
Smile Train aims to support families worldwide by creating, connecting, and sharing resources about cleft care.

Our Mission
To perform surgical care of disabling foot and ankle deformities in under-served regions of the world, while simultaneously educating orthopedic surgeons in various treatment alternatives. We believe that surgeon education will ultimately translate into helping thousands of people worldwide.

Our Mission
To raise money to fund specific projects which will improve the care given to the children served by the Department of Pediatric Surgery in Greater Gauteng and its surrounding provinces.

Our Mission
To provide life-changing hand surgeries, rehabilitation and medical training in the world’s underserved communities.

Our Mission
Within a vibrant, supportive, and rigorous environment, the School develops diverse, reflective and inquiring library and information leaders through innovative, learner-centric teaching, research and scholarship, and community engagement for the public good.

Our Mission
Our mission is to deliver leading-edge patient care, research and education. Our vision is to heal humankind, one patient at a time, by improving health, alleviating suffering and delivering acts of kindness.

Our Mission
We focus on reducing inequities and improving access to quality care in a strategic manner through building local capacity and enabling sustainable improvements in health care delivery.

Our Mission
To promote and encourage the provision of appropriate urological expertise and education worldwide, with particular emphasis on the materially disadvantaged.

Our Mission
Our mission is to provide safe water to communities in developing countries through empowerment, equal access and transformative hope. We are working toward a day when no person has to drink unsafe water.

Our Mission
We heal children and advance pediatric healthcare in the world.

Our Mission
We heal children and advance pediatric healthcare in the world.

Our Mission
To accelerate and expand the provision of surgical, obstetrical, and anaesthesia care for attaining better health for all.

Our Mission
Assist Ukraine focuses on helping the people who are still in Ukraine who are fighting for their lives and their future. We are poised to respond to their immediate humanitarian needs. We have delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars of high-end medical supplies and protective gear, food to cities under attack, and have helped to start a children’s home for displaced orphans in a safe area in Western Ukraine.

Our Mission
Cooperative Aid offers medical mission trips to serve underdeveloped, third-world countries in an effort to end the harsh afflictions plaguing individuals on a daily basis. It is their goal to put an end to the on-going pain and suffering of those within reach by providing medical and dental resources through short-term mission trips. Generous donors contribute supplies, and in turn, volunteers can offer them to those going without. Their service extends beyond these basics to even constructing essential facilities for the community in need. Although the work is extensive, this nonprofit organization continually strives to give all that they can.

Our Mission
EMERGENCY provides free, high-quality care to people affected by conflict and poverty. We do this in a sustainable way: building healthcare facilities, training local personnel, and conducting search and rescue missions in the Mediterranean Sea.

Our Mission
Contribute to improving women’s health, restoring their physical integrity and dignity, allowing their reintegration into family and community life.

Our Mission
Global Outreach International is an interdenominational missions sending agency that partners with the church in the sending of cross-cultural missionaries. Our vision is to see the Good News go to every nation this generation, and our mission is showing and sharing God’s love. Meaning, our missionaries meet tangible needs in order to open the door to meet spiritual needs.

Our Mission
IHPBA is a non-profit organisation which was created with the vision to devote itself to relieve world-wide human suffering caused by Hepato Pancreato Biliary (HPB) disorders by improving education, training, innovation, research and patient care.

Our Mission
We believe in a world where every child has equal access to safe surgery. We work with organisations interested in global health to campaign for better access to healthcare for everyone, and more equitable funding models.

Our Mission
Mission Plasticos, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to improving lives through reconstructive plastic surgery in the United States and worldwide. By performing surgery free of charge for underserved individuals, with traumatic injuries, disfigurement as a result of cancer and congenital deformities, volunteer medical teams alleviate suffering, both physical and emotional.

Our Mission
We train and mentor healthcare workers serving low-resourced communities worldwide, expanding their skillsets and surgical knowledge base to meet their patients’ needs.

Our Mission
We provide funding, time and resources for projects that deliver access to clean water, sanitation, education, healthcare, and development in the region’s most impoverished communities.

Our Mission
Our primary goal is to provide education of the most common neurological diseases to prevent severe disabilities and safe lives.

Our Mission
We provide vision screenings, eye exams and glasses to children in low-income communities, at no cost to the children or their families.