About Ohana One
Ohana One cultivates surgical training programs in developing areas around the world and we do so in collaboration with like-minded organizations.
Our work is not limited to surgical outreach trips, but to establishing long-term sustainable surgical training programs utilizing mentorship relationships and advanced technology.
Mission & Vision
Transforming lives through surgical care.
Ohana One’s mission is to establish long-term sustainable surgical training programs utilizing mentorship relationships and advanced technology to elevate and expand safe surgical care in resource-scarce locations.
Our vision for the future is a world where every surgeon has equitable access to advanced surgical training, mentorship, innovative technology, well-being programs, and educational resources.



Increase engagement to create a global community of surgeons, leverage assets to build the community.
Ten Thousand Mile Bridge: Closing the Surgical Gap in Sub-Saharan Africa
The Ohana One documentary is more than just a film; it is a call to action. The filmmakers behind this powerful project wanted to bring attention to a critical problem while showcasing the solution. Their mission was clear – to raise awareness, engage the audience, and expose them to the healthcare crisis unfolding in Mozambique.

In 2022, Ohana One was joined by a team of documentary filmmakers, including Ohana One Board Members, director Jay Roach, cinematographer Bill Pope, and documentarian Sharon Oreck during a surgical outreach trip to Mozambique.
It was our first expedition since the COVID-19 pandemic imposed travel restrictions. For three years prior, the Surgical Sight Smart Glass Program has enabled Ohana One mentors to maintain contact with local mentee surgeons in Mozambique, providing ongoing training. This trip was the first time they were able to work in person again safely.
Operating Together for a Better World
We are honored to collaborate with dedicated and like-minded organizations that help us establish long-term sustainable surgical training programs in communities that need it most around the world.
Corporate Partnerships

Connecting Surgeons with Robust Remote Software
With an intuitive interface, easy-to-use functionality, and secure connectivity, remote medical and technical assistance is made easy. There are a wide range of products including: GlassVU, RemoteVU, ScreenVu, CamVU, DeviceVU and FlowVU.

Remote Visual Guidance for Field Service
Help Lightning is the only AR-enabled remote assistance software available with merged reality. This patented “hands-in” technology offers a unique way to improve communications.

AR Solutions for the Connected Workforce
To allow for distance observation of live medical procedures (surgeries, rounding, examinations, etc) so lesser skilled professionals can learn and benefit from more experienced ones of the same medical specialty.
NGO Partnerships
We are honored to collaborate with dedicated and like-minded organizations that help us establish long-term sustainable surgical training programs in communities that need it most around the world. Click on each partner to read more about their mission.
Funding Partners

Photo Gallery
Our Ohana at Work
Ohana One surgeons, team members, and volunteers exemplify dedicated humanitarianism, providing crucial surgical care to underserved communities, often transforming lives and contributing to the broader mission of global health outreach.
Photo Credit: Kelly Fogel
Laser Focused On A Real Solution
We aim to prove that utilizing cutting-edge remote broadcasting technology coupled with mentor/mentee relationships can drastically improve surgical training in developing countries – resulting in more surgeons trained, and in turn, more patients treated.
Ohana Team
Each of our members have unique skills and passion for advancing surgical care in developing countries and working together and with others to advance training and bring mentors and mentees closer than ever.